敦南寓邸 Dunnan Residence

*GOOD DESIGN selected*

Design by Daman
豪宅設計結合日式簡約風,屋主崇尚日式簡約的生活,喜歡木質沉穩內斂的柔和,挑選的大理石之中的紋路因珊瑚化石而形成米色系,介於白色與駝色間,牆與地使用的木與石巧妙的為同色系,排列中相互陪襯原材質之美,將生活簡化,心與空間卻一同放大。目的: 設計出一個沉穩靜謐的空間,視覺得以順暢,並提供一個絕對舒適的空間。 實現方法: 簡單的線條建構出整體空間氛圍,空間彩度刻意放低,讓材質本身紋路與線條更為沉穩、清楚。 成效: 屋主實際入住之後體現俐落的空間帶來的高坪效以及彷彿身處都市中的平行時空,感到沉穩靜謐。 一個不會退流行,且放越久越有溫度的家的空間維度,讓全家七口,五個孩子,能長久的在這個空間悠然的生活著,家以細膩的規劃傳承給孩子,預視未來生活的美好模樣。 選用的平順和緩的米色系,清爽淡雅的色調,呈現平靜安穩,包圍著一種安定的力量,彷彿從吵雜的熱鬧都市中走進寧靜的世外桃源,單體的元素與簡約線條的空間配置,脫離世俗的繁瑣,透過自然的光影墜入,成了最自然的裝飾品。
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The owner has a fascination for Japanese minimalism - living and breathing stress-free simplicity. A calm and peaceful lifestyle is promoted through its wood. In between white and camel, the veined marble features a beige colorway due to occasional splashes of corals. The wood and stone on the walls and the ground are in analogous colors, setting off the beauty of original materials. Life has been simplified, but the mind is broadened together with the space. Purposes: The purpose is to harmonize visual design and evoke an image of serenity and tranquil calm in a comfortable space. Methods: The overall spatial atmosphere is constructed of clean lines with lower chroma to bring out the stability and clearness for texture and lines of the materials. Results: The owner has experienced the efficacy and liminal space and time brought by the space, as if being in an urban area with a sense of calm and serenity. By upholding a principle of designing an ever-lasting spatial area with a feeling of home, this space accommodates the happiness and life of a family with five children. With attention to details, the design empowers family members to foresee the beauty of the future. The selection of smooth and gentle beige colorway and the refreshing tones delivers a sense of calm and serenity. Surrounded by such strength is just like entering a utopia from the hustle and bustle of city life. The singularity of materials and clean lines within the space allow one to escape from the reality. Eventually, the flow of light becomes the most natural decoration.
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Living design







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