*GOOD DESIGN selected*

Design by Daman
商業空間設計,透過對品牌深入了解,透過室內設計與室內裝潢將品牌理念傳達給顧客,用空間直接感受品牌的用心、與品牌意義: 在設計前,我們反覆與業主溝通了非常多次,甚至包含業主的內部團隊,不僅僅是與品牌創辦人討論與溝通,且包含行銷部、企劃部、業務部,在深入了解與探索中, 更能真切的了解,品牌所想傳達出的意涵,除了吃得健康,用的安心,所有的室內設計也以品牌CIA為主軸。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 頂級燕窩唯一首選: 李向月連,來自最純淨最環保的金絲燕,待仔成熟丟棄後的巢,陡峭壁崖不易萃取 堅持給予最天然健康的燕窩給消費者,這樣的堅持源於與老人家的約定,我們還要一起度過好幾十個年頭不是嘛? 品牌創辦人將此健康食品獻給阿嬤──李向月連女士。/ 及 所有關愛長者健康的你們。
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‘Lee Select’, named after the owner’s grandmother, emphasizes health and wellbeing and features a health bar designed for the elderly. Who said there is no exclusive bar for the elderly? Based on the project on house regeneration, the ‘renewal concept’ not only refreshes the interior and exterior design of the building, but also symbolizes a new life for the elderly. ‘Lee Select’ goes beyond the typical health meals and recipes offerings, by inviting professionals to share their knowledge on the art of preserving health in the exclusive bar. The bar also serves the purposes of net-working and idea-exchange, which allows the elderly gain health and confidence. To bring out the concept of health, the design of main wall is based on the image of traditional Chinese medicine cabinets. The nearby cabinet with neatly-placed ingredients vessels becomes an eye-catching decoration in the space. The decoration replies on a large number of environmental-friendly green materials and energy-saving lighting systems in order to promote sustainable development. The strong visual design can be seen from the blue wall at the back. The image of blue in the East conveys eternity, reflecting the power of stability in the experiencescape. The entrance design creates a Utopian land from the cave, symbolizing that the elderly are on the path of health and wellbeing. Every consumer is a traveller. Every traveller is a swallow returning home. The transmission of health culture has passed on for a thousand years. Appreciating heaven and the earth, respecting the elderly, and taking care of family are not just of high importance for Chinese society, but also serve as fundamental practices that connect family members. Since this tradition has profoundly influenced the owner of the building, ‘Lee Select’, as the brand, and its products which involve sophisticated and complex production processes, are named after the owner’s grandmother. In the design context, we combine the brand, the products, and the building, and further respond to sustainability on energy saving and carbon reduction. By highlighting the interplay between old and new characteristics, every traveller can be transformed to a swallow returning home. ‘Lee Select’ offers warmth and love. Travellers can improve their mental and physical health by consuming the products, while experiencing culture and nature within the space design. House regeneration implies harvesting bird’s nests from abandoned swallow nests. ‘Lee Select’ features bird’s nests extracting from the nests of swiftlets. For swiftlets, nesting starts only after pregnancy. As soon as the baby swiftlets fly away, swiftlets leave the nest and find a new habitat. In order to incorporate the nature of nest regeneration and innovation, we keep the original building but embellish its appearance. During this process, the message is to show the extraordinary in the ordinary. One may imagine the old building as the nest, where value can be added with little extra effort in renovation. Travellers transform to swallows, experience the space, and return home. Consumers of ‘Lee Select’ purchase more than the product itself, but the richness of the culture and the meaning of bird’s nests. As such, we combine elements related to the production process of bird’s nests into the design context. Staring from its color, to resemble the nature of nesting at seaside cliff, the design is based on blue and white, representing the ocean and waves. The appearance and the color of swiftlets’ nests are reused throughout the design. This repetition simplifies the complicated nature of nests. Travellers are immersed in the environment and ecology of bird’s nest production once they enter the building. The ubiquitous elements of bird’s nests further highlight the related knowledge. The acrylic chandelier light hanging in the lobby symbolises a flying swallow. At the same time, it reinforces the feature of swiftlets with white abdominal hair and silky nests. The mixture of dynamic and static characteristics thereby providing much food for thought.   Traditional medicine cabinet: Traditional knowledge for wellbeing As mentioned earlier, swiftlets’ nests are located at seaside cliff. One can only pick them up manually and they can only be sold after a complex production process. To present its background in an interesting and meaningful way, we purposely adjust the medicine cabinets commonly found in Chinese medicine stores into the design. Specifically, the landing ladder-shaped design reflect the scarcity of bird’s nests and the intention of building a nest in a high place. The form of traditional medicine cabinets delivers the feature of health and noble of bird’s nests. By going beyond showcasing the products, the design itself is more about the explanation of ecology and culture as well as the regeneration of Chinese wisdom! The one who travels is the traveller, but also the swallow. The high-rise design, the glass curtain wall facing the street with natural light, and the ubiquitous elements of bird's nests immerse travellers in the native and modern original place of birds’ nests. The centre of the lobby is where the most important component in the building locates at – the counter designed after the shape of bird’s nest. Service providers present and cook bird's nest and co-create experiences at the counter with consumers. The concentric shape allows travellers to start and return to the same place. After the tour of the production process, consumers enjoy the nutrition of bird's nests. By experiencing the beauty of culture, we hope that consumers can bring the products back home and share them with relatives and friends. A building with meaning, a nest with warmth, and a person with good manners and etiquette. From color to shape, from culture to tradition, from sales to sharing, and from consumers to cultural travellers, we regenerate the old building and reuse construction materials. While ensuring the consistency between the brand and the design is critical, we are also keen to integrate the design with sustainable elements. The strong brand impression and product characteristics are expected to stimulate consumer purchase intentions. We co-create value and experiences with consumers. We sell not only the health products, but also the culture and brand meanings embedded in the building.
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Bar design



Building exterior design








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