台北大安區豪宅 At One with Nature Night

*2021 榮獲美國MUSE金獎*

*2021 榮獲墨爾本Meblourne design Award silver*

Design by Daman
*豪宅設計/ 毛胚屋設計/ 高級訂製宅* 此項目是在較高樓層的地方,側邊都有窗戶,窗外天空劇場365天揭開不同的序曲,光滲入室內與空間疊合出層層驚喜,猶如打開寶藏盒眼前閃閃動人的驚艷,融入自然遠景以及大片的自然光延伸至室內,與客廳融為一體;在迎光面的牆面使用各個異材質方塊拼接,透過折射呈現材質本身美感,而異材質有金屬、深淺的皮革、灰鏡,透過色塊的銜接與把玩,成了客廳中的藝術畫作,同時牆面會隨著光影的變化呈現出金黃可可的奢華樣貌。公共空間聚集在房屋的中間,公共空間和私人空間之間透過天花板的分割使界限很清晰。用餐區也透過走道設計及天花板上的條帶進行切割,隔開空間。天花板分割線像是巨大矩形相互排列,分隔出不同空間領域,矩形大理石牆面銜接客廳廁所的門、半弧形的木格柵搭配後面的壁爐燈光以及間接照明,為舒適的閱讀區。私人空間在走道的末端,臥室的門為一幅視覺強烈的畫且作為交界,站在公領域時,此幅畫為空間中的裝飾藝術,而打開門即進入了私領域的空間,臥室的床根據自然光線的位置放置,天花板上的縫隙和懸掛的燈都散發出昏暗的燈光,營造出溫暖舒適的感覺,更衣間半弧形的設計在臥房中似一個收藏盒。浴室中的牆面,利用一塊塊馬賽克拼接成山水潑墨的漸層畫作,彷彿在山水間沐浴,俯瞰著窗外美景。
豪宅設計_鍍鈦廊道天花板,大量使用奢華頂級室內建材 豪宅設計_夜晚美景融入百坪豪宅客聽中 豪宅設計_閱讀區及品酒放鬆的地方-1
This project locates on a higher floor with windows on the side. (In Taipei) Everyday comes with a new surprise given by nature. Sunlight penetrates into the room and overlaps with the space, just as sparkling as opening a treasure box. Blending with the environments, natural light extends into the room and integrates harmoniously with the living room. On the wall facing the sun, various types of materials are used for splicing, where the aesthetics of the materials is presented through refraction. By integrating metal, shades of leather, and grey mirrors in the living room, artistic paintings are taken to a new level. Alongside the changes of light and shadow, the wall presents a luxurious appearance. The public area locates at the center of the house. The ceiling defines the boundaries between public and private spaces. The dining area is separated by the strips on the ceiling and the walkway. All in all, the lines on the ceiling align with each other, just like using huge rectangles to divide different spatial areas. The rectangular marble wall connects the bathroom door in the living room, and the cozy reading area is designed with semi-curved wooden grilles, fireplace light, as well as indirect lighting. The private bedroom is at the end of the walkway. An artistic painting with strong visual impression constitutes the door of the bedroom and separates the public and private areas. In the public area, the painting serves as decorative arts, while it directs one to personal spaces as soon as the door is opened. The bed is placed in line with natural lighting. Dim light emitting by the gaps in the ceiling and the pendant lights creates warm and comfortable atmosphere. The semi-curved design of the walk-in closet appears to be a collection box in the bedroom. Finally, the wall in the bathroom is spliced with mosaics into an ink wash painting. One may imagine as if bathing in the nature, overlooking the astonishing scenery outside the window.
豪宅設計_閱讀區及品酒放鬆的地方-3 豪宅設計_大安區豪宅,視聽室規劃-1


The space is only for relax.



A deluxe kichen & Bulthaup b3 series

豪宅設計_頂級餐廳廚房設計使用bulthaup-3 現代風格_豪宅浴室設計 現代風格_次臥室裝潢,延續使用性,適合孩子從小到大的室內設計-1 現代風格_次臥室裝潢,延續使用性,適合孩子從小到大的室內設計-2 現代風格_次臥室裝潢,延續使用性,適合孩子從小到大的室內設計-3 現代風格_次臥室裝潢,延續使用性,適合孩子從小到大的室內設計-4 現代風格_次臥室裝潢,延續使用性,適合孩子從小到大的室內設計-5 現代風格_大膽使用異材質結合的豪宅設計







Copyright ® DAMAN all right reserved.
室內設計 辦公室設計