丰城秀景 Scenery Inside and Out

*接待中心設計/ 臨時建築物設計/ 招待所設計*

Design by Daman
建商寵兒,建案快速完銷,接待中心設計,唯一首選,設計前,為誰而設計? 而設計又能解決人們什麼? 建築與自然間的反思,人類不斷大量開發,消耗殆盡的自然,它是會反撲的,因此我們深思於,在提供一個建案以前,是否可以給予空間喘息,讓綠意緩和過度開發,並且大量使用環保材質,豎起對大自然的敬畏,塵囂熙攘的都市,一塊寧靜而美好的建築物佇立於此,使匆忙的人們,歇憩片刻觀賞,提供一個對於未來美好的想像,進而對這樣的未來動心,往嚮往中走進來。提供一個充滿綠意與純粹的美好空間,喚起人們對自然與環境的敬畏,從建築外觀到外圍整片的景觀,試圖用設計訴說人們在追求進步的同時,應停下腳步,將目光移轉至這簡單純粹的建築物。在都市中綠地日漸稀珍,我們在建築外觀規劃了景觀,規劃回收的石材為主體,使用環保的面材呈現寧靜美好的空間。簡單而寧靜,在喧囂的城市,顯得格外美好,此臨時建築物成了人們心中最美景點同時也帶動超高銷售量,並成功喚起人們對大自然的珍惜與共鳴,同時建案也在短時間內完售。建築物身旁佇立大樓與馬路,車水馬龍的城市,擁擠的人潮與急促的生活步調,彷彿每個人的人生都上了發條,而忘了最原始的美好,大自然其實擁有治癒人心的神奇力量,我們試圖透過設計喚醒被忽略的美好,並提供一個能喘息的空間,跳脫以往的售屋中心,這是一個嚮往未來的啟航站。白色建築物在陽光下也顯得格外顯眼,從建築外圍鋪滿了石子與草坪,將大自然的意象結合,從自然景色規劃的一端迎接賓客,白色格間與玻璃帷幕透視度拉近內外間的距離,無論內與外都有綠景的陪襯,洽談區也充分融入窗外風景,夜晚時屋內的光線能滲至室外,成了最耀眼的建築物,而室內設計天花板的曲線拉線帶出空間流動感,流動感使空間遼闊,提供一個身心舒暢的售屋空間,除了設計出能吸引潛在顧客的建築外觀,而將設計的美感將吸引相同喜好與理念的人們相聚。
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Natural resources can be exhausted if they are consumed at a faster rate than their regeneration. As overexploitation would lead to the revenge of nature, what is rather important is to thoroughly evaluate whether a proposal can let the space breathe when reflecting the interplay between architectures and nature. Greenery can counterbalance the over-developed environment. With the use of eco-friendly materials, we remain humble in the face of nature. In a bustling city, the tranquility and beauty of the building stand still, creating spaces for meditation, appreciation, and imagination. Fascination towards a prosperous future touches customers at the very deepest level of being. The building is full of greenery and purity, triggering our awe towards nature and the environment. From its exterior to the entire landscape, the design conveys the importance of slowing down to achieve work-life balance and values simplicity and the subtle beauty of the building.Due to the loss of urban green spaces, landscapes are designed to enrich the exterior environment. The building is mainly constructed of recycled stones, where a sense of calm and serenity is delivered through eco-friendly surfaces.Simplicity and tranquility stand out from the hustle and bustle of city life. Besides having high sales performance, this temporary building has become the most beautiful attraction in people’s mind and reminds us to cherish our planet. The construction project was also sold out in a short time.Surrounded by skyscrapers, roads, and traffic, the beauty of the building is overwhelmed by the crowdedness and rapid pace of life. In fact, nature impacts our wellbeing and has the healing power. We thus initiate a call to awaken the hidden beauty through design and provide a breathing space. Unlike typical display houses, this building serves as a departure station, directing us to a prosperous future.The white building seems to be particularly splendid under the sun. Stones and lawns around the building unify the image of nature; the landscape design welcomes the guests. White compartments with glass curtain walls shorten the distance between the inner and outer sphere – painting greenery both inside and outside. The business area is also integrated with the scenery outside the window. In the evening, indoor lights flow out, making it the most gorgeous building at night. Curved ceilings bring out a sense of spatial flow. Such fluidity broadens the spatial area and provides a healing space for the pre-sold house. Essentially, the exterior design of the building not only attracts more customers, but also connects like-minded people from aesthetic perspectives.







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